Serve for a Year

prepare for a lifetime

Orthodox Volunteer Corps (OVC)...

OVC is a year-long immersive program for young adults ages 21-29 to serve with our neighbors on the margins. At the same time, you live in community with other young adults, explore topics of the faith and leadership, and root yourself in the Church.

Applications for our Fall 2025 program, in Boston or Pittsburgh, are now open! Click the link below to begin an application or nominate a young adult!


As Orthodox Christians, we’re called to live in solidarity with the most vulnerable among us. To embody justice and mercy. We match Corps Members with service placements such as homeless shelters, a free medical clinic, after-school programs, and trauma-informed community development. Dive deep into a nonprofit through a 10-month placement.


To serve well, we need to be equipped. We meet weekly for a full-day seminar on Orthodoxy, service, and community-based leadership. We bring in priests, scholars, and lay leaders as guest speakers. We use the city as our classroom.


Service and formation are rooted in connection. At OVC, you’ll join an intentional community. You’ll live in communal housing, break bread together, learn from one another, and engage your host city.


Undergirding service, formation, and community is Church. At OVC, we foster connections to local Orthodox parishes, so you can immerse yourself in the rhythm and beauty of the Church and offer your gifts. We believe Orthodox young adults can be the Church and transfigure the world.

What does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8