OVC Reach

part time program

Are you 21-29 years old and living in Pittsburgh?

Would you give a few hours a month to serve in a way that matters, explore the meaning of Orthodox service, connect with Orthodox young adults, and share a meal?

Join OVC Reach!

OVC Reach is the part-time program of Orthodox Volunteer Corps designed for young adults who are interested in service, formation, community and Church but can't participate in OVC's full-time program. Read on for more details!

Register Now

OVC Reach at a Glance

    • Who can participate?
      • Young adults, 21-29 yrs old, living in or near Pittsburgh
    • How long is the program?
      • October 2024 to June 2025
    • When/where do we meet?
      • Once a month on the first Thursday of each month from 6-9pm
      • Meetings take place at different Orthodox parishes across the city
    • What does the monthly meeting entail?
      • Free meal and conversation
      • Presentations and discussion on Orthodoxy & Service 
      • Guest speakers (theologians, Church, and community leaders)
      • Community building and planning for innovative service
    • When do we serve?
      • Sign up for local service opportunities each month at nonprofits in the city working alongside other Orthodox young adults

    Are you ready for OVC Reach?

    Register now.

    make a difference. 

    serve with a purpose. 

    dig into orthodoxy. 

    belong to community.